Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Here are the direct links to the photos I've posted online.

2009 Gopher Hockey Team Party
2009 Gophers Squirt Tournament

Gophers vs. Wolverines - Video Highlights

Here are the goals

Sobiech (Tuin assist)

Sobiech (unassisted)

Sundhiem (Santelman assist)

O'Brien (Santelman assist - credited to Sundhiem - over ruled after video review)

Tuin (Schmidt assist)

(Sobiech assist)

Monday, March 9, 2009

What is a Champion?


1. a person who has defeated all opponents in a competition or series of competitions, so as to hold first place.
2. anything that takes first place in competition.
3. an animal that has won a certain number of points in officially recognized shows
4. a person who fights for or defends any person or cause
5. a fighter or warrior.

If you ask 10 people what the definition of the word is, I think you will receive 10 similar answers. Try it. They'll all sound like the definition I've provided above.

Just don't make me one of the ten people you ask.

Not anymore.

A small and very special group of 10 to 12 year old student athletes and a soft-spoken man I had never met erased the definition of a word I thought I knew.

Certainly our Hastings Gophers fulfilled the definition, as listed in the dictionary, in its entirety this past weekend at the 2009 Hastings Squirt Invitational Tournament. They defeated 3 tough hockey teams in consecutive games, including defeating a team that had owned them all year.

The Gophers were all over their arch-rival and nemesis Wolverines. They were up 6-1 until their opponents scored with less than 2 seconds remaining in the game. They played brilliantly as a team, and never once did I get the impression in the days leading up to the game, that they felt they would not emerge victorious. They defeated the Wolverines with the type of play that earned them the conference’s 2nd best record during the season. It was teamwork, passing, tough defense, great goaltending, constant hustle, and a never quit attitude that propelled them to tournament glory. Whether it was Sunny and Jonathon or Woody and Blake masterfully patrolling the blue line, their superior efforts were crucial in maintaining possession of the puck in the zone. Brett, Payton, Anders, Kannon and Garrett played a great offensive passing game and were always present on the backcheck as well. Zach and Joe traded off handling the center iceman’s position, and once again dominated face-offs, a trend repeated in virtually every game this season. They really put it all together for three periods and played their little rodent hearts out! (yes, just one more rodent reference!) I saw Anders throw himself on the ice, sliding headfirst into the boards just to defend a shot and keep it from getting through to Jake! This type of effort exemplified the Gophers’ play Sunday.

The victory qualifies our Gophers, by any measure of the working, established definition, as "Champions".

But what I witnessed this past weekend gave me pause to reconsider that definition as I see it in my mind's eye.

Winning the tournament made them the Champions of Squirt hockey in Hastings for 2008-2009. That is something that will never be taken away from them now, and is a moment that will live forever in the hearts and minds of these boys as they continue to grow into young men.

I know it will also live in mine for just as long.


Let me tell you a personal story before I continue...

It's the story of a boy.

He is a quiet, attentive, thoughtful, bright and athletic boy. This boy had never played hockey before this winter. Beyond that, he had only laced up skates and attempted to stay standing while on ice a mere 8-10 times prior to deciding he was going to go out in front of all his classmates and friends and willingly endure falling down through three days of evaluations.

After the first day of evaluations, this boy was dejected, frustrated, and felt very alone. His friends, afterall, were almost all accomplished skaters and hockey players already. In fact, after the first hour of evaluations, while I helped him remove his dripping wet, snow and sweatsoaked practice jersey and socks, one of his closest friends who was sitting next to him on the bench, whispered to him,"Was this your first time skating too?"

I swear I saw that boy's internal spirit nearly spontaneously crush right before my eyes. But he quietly shook his head no, and continued undressing. He must have felt as though he was peeling away layers of his soul, baring the most sensitive layers for all to see. He couldn’t get out of there fast enough.

The quiet car ride home was interrupted by his ten year old voice. He looked at me and said, "Dad, I thought I'd be better." and his voice broke on the last word to escape his trembling face. I was forced to look out my own window as I spoke to my son, fearful he would see the tears of sympathy well up in my own eyes as I recited to him the last two stanzas of a poem called "Don't Quit!" I memorized that has carried me through more than one hard time over the years.

Often the goal is nearer than,
It seems to a faint and faltering man,
Often the struggler has given up,
When he might have captured the victor’s cup,
And he learned too late when the night slipped down,
How close he was to the golden crown.

Success is failure turned inside out—
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
And you never can tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems so far,
So stick to the fight when you’re hardest hit—
It’s when things seem worst that you must not quit.

I'm not sure how much of that he absorbed, or whether I spoke the words for his benefit or my own at that exact moment; but our eyes locked as I spoke the final stanza of that poem. When I was finished, I told my son that the decision was his, and I would support that decision regardless of what it was.

My son told me he wasn't quitting.

End of personal story and fast forward…

Sometimes when people come into your life, they don't merely brush anonymously past or pass silently through your life, they truly touch it. Perhaps their generosity and compassion make them virtually unaware of the depths their positive influence touches. Coach John Dale drafted my son to play on the Hastings Gophers in the fall of 2008. It was one of the most thrilling moments of my boy's life. He was going to be a hockey player. He was on a TEAM!

As my son played with this great team of boys over the winter, subtle changes took place in him. He was happier and had more self-confidence than ever. He practiced his new favorite sport nearly every day of the week for hours on end, and he even worked harder in school. He spoke of his coaches and teammates often and looked forward to each and every time he would get to see them. He was driven to be the best he could be so he wouldn't let them down. He refused to miss a practice and even to arrive late was unacceptable to him.

But my son merely being selected and coached by John isn't what touched our lives. It was the way in which he coached; the manner in which he taught, and the sensitivity to each player's psyche, that touched our lives. I believe that all of our boys probably have a greater sense of teamwork and class than before, due to their coaching.

When the final buzzer sounded on Sunday evening at Hastings Civic Arena, and the Gophers had emerged victorious, equipment flew into the air, hands were thrust upwards in elation, and the boys celebrated together by hugging and mobbing their goaltender. They then stood and honored their opponents as they received their second place medals.

As the coaches, John, Brian and Todd stepped forward to receive the 1st place Championship trophy, the Gophers players all moved instantly, and in a coordinated fashion, into the traditional Minnesota Gopher Stick Salute.

This was an awe-inspiring sight for me!

These young men, with not even so much as a teenager among their ranks let alone an adult, showed me something that night. Class, honor and integrity topped that list.

No sir, Mr. Webster. "Champion" as you define it, does not match what I know of the word.

Being a Champion is an attitude. It's a way of living life. John Dale, Brian Tuin, and Todd Sundheim are Champions and they helped a dozen fantastic boys have the time of their lives this winter and achieve a common dream through hard work and perserverance.

I have never been so proud of my son as I was on Sunday, March 8th 2009.

On that day, his team of Gophers became Champions.

Party at Anders' House!

The Gophers players happily accepted an invitation to a hockey party at Anders' house on February 7th. The boys played outdoor hockey, ate pizza and probably made a mess. :)

Gophers Blow Off Steam at Green Mill before Tournament

Gopher Time Trial Results

Before I post my final articles on this unforgettable season, I'd like to also post this. As a benchmark of their improvement as skaters, Coach John had the players perform a timed drill.
The drill was skating across the rink, hockey stop and touch the boards with their stick, skate back and hockey stop and touch the boards to stop the clock.

Last Name, First Name - - Time 1 (Nov) -Time 2 (Jan) - Time 3 (Mar)

O'Brien, Kannon - - - - - - - -9.40 - - - - - - - 9.30 - - - - - - - - 9.00

Sobiech, Zachary - - - - - - -10.70 - - - - - - 10.10 - - - - - - - - 9.60

Duclos, Jonathon - - - - - - -10.70 - - - - - - 11.00 - - - - - - - - 10.00

Schmidt, Joe - - - - - - - - - 10.40 - - - - - -10.00 - - - - - - - - 10.00

Sundheim, Jacob - - - - - - -10.90 - - - - - - 10.60 - - - - - - - - 10.00

Burr, Blake - - - - - - - - - - -11.00 - - - - - - 11.00 - - - - - - - - 10.20

Anderson, Payton - - - - - - -12.00 - - - - - - 11.00 - - - - - - - - 10.30

Santelman, Anders - - - - - -10.90 - - - - - - 10.70 - - - - - - - - 10.30

Tuin, Garrett - - - - - - - - - 10.90 - - - - - - 11.00 - - - - - - - - 10.40

Peine, Brett - - - - - - - - - - 10.60 - - - - - - 10.60 - - - - - - - - 10.60

Woodward, Mike - - - - - - - 11.50 - - - - - - 10.50 - - - - - - - - 10.80

Dale, Jake - - - - - - - - - - - -12.60 - - - - - - 12.00 - - - - - - - - 11.40

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Gophers Advance to Championship!

In a very exciting game, the Gophers played a full three period game of high intensity hockey and defeated a very talented Pioneers team 2-1 to advance to Sunday evening's Championship game.

Their opponent will be no stranger, even though the spot on the bracket still doesn't have a team name on it. That will be decided before lunch today, or brunch for those of you who forgot the DST change overnight!

Who will it be, the Pioneers or the Wolverines??

The Wolverines have to beat a team they haven't beaten all season in order to play the Gophers, a team that hasn't beaten THEM all season.
The Pioneers have to defeat a team they haven't lost to all season in order to play the Gophers, a team they haven't BEATEN all season.

In other action yesterday, the determined Badgers defeated their rival, the Sioux, to keep their shot at the Tournament Championship alive, but later fell to the Wolverines in a high scoring 7-5 game. The Sioux got another shot at the Badgers this morning and beat them to advance to the 3rd place game.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Gophers, Pioneers Win and Advance!

Tournament buzz was in the air Friday evening at Hastings Civic Arena as the 2009 Squirt Invitational Tournament began.

The stands were filled with proud and excited parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and other Squirt players - eager to see which friends' teams would be victorious, and which teams would fill slots in the tournament brackets intersecting with their own intended paths to the Championship.

The first matchup featured the 3rd seed Pioneers facing the 5th seeded Badgers.

The Badgers held tough through most of the first half of the game, but after a valiant effort succombed to the Pioneers' scoring machine, as team in white and red couldn't quite match their opponents' passing and teamwork, and the Pioneers went on to a 5-2 victory.

As the bleachers switched fans, the Gophers team had a private, players only meeting. What was discussed is known only to them, but whatever it was the results on the ice were unmistakable. In an exciting and fast-paced game, the Gophers dominated possession of the puck and exhibited the type of teamwork and hustle for which they have become to be known this season.

All Gophers skaters showed a heightened sense of urgency and Garrett started the scoring on his team's first shot on goal just 10 seconds into the first period. He followed it up with a 2nd goal later in the first to make it a 2 goal lead. Team Captain Kannon had a goal and an assist, and Assistant Captain Zach also each scored a goal with Brett and Anders earning helpers as well!

Defensively, the Gophers' defense was a swarming, attacking herd of maroon marauders; who seemed to always have willing help from a teammate in separating a green jerseyed opponent from the puck. Sunny exemplified this effort when he poke checked a puck from a Sioux skater an instant before he would have had a near perfect scoring chance!

Between the pipes, Jake saved all 9 Sioux shots on goal to earn the shutout.

The Gophers' celebration was short, as they instantly begin preparation for Saturday afternoon's game, in which they'll face-off with the winner of the 10:00AM game between the Pioneers and Wolverines.

Great job to all the teams in the tournament on both sides of the scores!

The games have been very exciting!!

Oh, and GO GOPHERS!!!!!!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

T'was the Night Before the Tourney!

T'was the night before the tournament, and all through the town,
not a Gopher was stirring, not even Joe, the locker room clown.
Their gear was hastily stuffed into their bags with no care,
And the foul smelling odor, you wouldn't smell on a dare!

The Gophers were burrowed deep into tunnels with no lights
With dreams of festering Wolverine bites!
With Jonathon and Sunny preparing their minds for the game,
Anders and Kannon talked of penalty minute fame!

When out on the East rink there arose such a clanging!
It was pucks hitting crossbars and boards and players banging!
There were gold jerseyed Gophers skating with passion
and coaches John, Todd and Brian shouting "Gophers! Let's see more passing!"

The fluorescent lights of the arena shown brightly below
on Payton and Brett shooting shots from down low.
When what to my amazed and wide eyes should appear
But a wrist shot from Sunny hitting Jake right in his ear!

With Coach John changing drills so deftly and quick,
I knew in a moment, a Gophers shooting drill was next!
He shouted to them each and called them by name
as he reminded them all "Tomorrow's a big game!!"

"Now Woody and Zach! Blake, Garrett and Joe!
Get off your butts, it's time to go!"
Keep both hands on your stick! Someone go to the net!
Vegas says I could win 20 on a 10 dollar bet!

As the zamboni cleaned the ice after the hour of hockey,
I was reminded of a lesson my own dad once taught me.

He told me to always take pride in my play
and play the game the way it's meant to be played
and even if the buzzer sounds and you've lost on that day
There's something you get, that won't ever go away

The great feeling you feel when you look down the bench
and see friendships so tight, they're as strong as a wrench
You played hard as a team and they can't take that away
And you're stronger as young men for playing this way

So, win lose or draw, know you fought the good fight,
And whatever place you're in, when they shut off the lights,
Know your parents are proud of you, no matter what the score
And the friends that you've made, could last forever more!

Go Gophers!!!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Lies, Darned Lies, and Statistics?

The phrase (ok, it's been slightly modified to protect the younger readers) refers to the persuasive power of numbers, the use of statistics to bolster weak arguments, and the tendency of people to disparage statistics that do not support their positions.

Whether that's the case or not here is up to you to decide, but here are some interesting statistics regarding the Sioux and Gophers, who face-off in the 1st round of the Squirt tournament this Friday evening in Hastings.

In their last 6 games the Sioux are 1-4-1 averaging 2.33 goals per game while allowing an average of 3 goals per game.

The Gophers are 5-1-0 averaging 4.33 goals per game with a team Goals Against Average of 2.5.

The Gophers have a 3-0 record against the Sioux this season and the average score of those games has been 4.67- 2.33

The Gophers had a 6 game unbeaten streak from 11/23 through New Years Day outscoring their opponents 25-9.

The Sioux's longest consecutive win streak of the season was 3 games which were also the first 3 games of the season. (Before playing the Gophers in week 4!)

From 1/11 - 2/22:
The Sioux were 0-5-2 and averaged 1.6 goals per game.
The Gophers were 6-1-0 and averaged 5 goals per game.

The Sioux scored a total of 3 goals in 3 games against the Wolverines this season.
The Gophers scored 10 times in their first 3 games against the Wolverines this season.

The Gophers were 2-0-1 against the Pioneers, outscoring them 11-6.
The Sioux were 2-2 against the Pioneers, with scoring between them even at 11-11.

The Sioux scored only once or not at all in 5 games this season.
The Gophers were shutout one time, but scored 3 or more goals in every other game this season except one, and they tied that game 2-2.

The Gophers are 6-2-1 in games following a win.
The Sioux are 1-3-3 in games following a loss.
In games following a loss, Jake and the Gophers are undefeated at 4-0 with a stifling 1.75 GAA and have gotten goal support to the tune of a whopping 5.75 scores per game.

Do these statistics guarantee a victory against the Sioux in the 1st round of the Hastings Squirt Tournament this Friday?

Ask anybody who watched the 1980 Winter Olympic medal round matchup between the 100-1 underdog USA and the USSR...

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Gophers Finish Strong, Look Forward to Tournament!

After seeing the Badgers play several times this season, it's difficult to imagine it's the same team out there on the ice with only 2 conference points.

"They played hard." Payton commented about the Gophers' final regular season opponents.

Nevertheless, the outcome was the same as the Gophers finished their regular season on a high note, defeating the Badgers 5-3 Sunday morning on Hastings Civic Arena's West Rink. They clinched the 2nd seed in next weekend's tournament with the victory.

Showing the same unselfish teamwork, accurate passing, tenacious defense, and timely and effective goaltending that kept them near the top of the standings all season, the Gophers outshot the Badgers 38-19, and only some fancy flashes of the leather, waffleboard deflections and stick and pad saves by the Badgers' goaltender kept the score as close as it was.

Below, Joe demonstrates the never-quit-on-a-play mentality the Gophers' coaching staff has tirelessly instilled in the maroon and gold since November.

Sometimes, even with the aggressive backcheck of the Gophers, the Badgers were able to put good shots on goal and test Jake in the net. Here is an example of this, as the Badgers attack on the breakout and are able to chip the puck into the zone.

Jake used every part of his body to keep the Gophers in the game Sunday. Here, Jake shows he's got his head into the game:

Sunny got in the scorebook again this week on this pretty deke and shot: (We're not sure how pretty the dance is...)

The game was aggressive and defensive on Sunday. Here Blake, Zach, Payton, Brett and Woody battle the Badgers for possession of the puck.

Passing in the offensive zone was good again Sunday as shown by this pass through traffic by Kannon to Anders who almost scored on the one-timer! Anders and Kannon were among the penalty earners today. Congrats to Anders on his first 1:30 of PIM this season! Way to go! :)

Final Score: Gophers 5, Badgers 3

Hastings Ice Arena Zamboni Driver Strikes it Rich!!

When I was a teenager in Stillwater, my friends and I used to collect the meager bounty on gophers by returning the tails of the furry rodents to the appropriate game management officials.

I believe the Zamboni driver of Hastings Ice Arena who resurfaced the West rink following the Gophers/Wolverines game Saturday might be in the market for a new luxury SUV.

The Gophers played their tails off Saturday afternoon against the Wolverines, outshooting their arch rivals 33-14, but lost the contest 1-0.

Mohammed Ali had Joe Frazier. Magic had Bird. Tom had Jerry. Itchy has Scratchy...

The 2008-2009 Hastings Wolverines seem to have the Hastings Pioneers.

But the Hastings Gophers might have the Wolverines...

(are you still with me??)

In a matchup needing little external build-up or fanfare to boost its anticipation, the 10-3-2 1st place Gophers (in the Conference) met the 11-3-1 2nd place Wolverines in the blue and gold's final conference game of the season.

The game lived up to its pre-game billing and was an exciting defensive game. The Wolverines scored first on a rebound goal that ended up being the only marker of the game despite being outshot by a margin of 33-14 and winning 58% of face-offs for the game.